Adding npm bin/ path to command search path Overview npm installs packages by default under node_modules/ within the current working directory. Binary files, if bundled with a package,...
Bulk importing addresses Overview When migrating over hosting providers, it may be necessary to add e-mail addresses en masse. Addresses can be added...
Changing Node Versions Overview Platforms v6.5+ and beyond support multiple Node versions that may be installed using nvm. Usage Listing nvm is provided...
Changing Python versions Overview Recent platforms (v6+) support multiple Python interpreters from the shell using pyenv. pyenv allows seamless switching between available Python...
Elevating privileges with sudo Overview Newer platforms, v6+, provide limited sudo support that allows you to remove, copy, and change ownership of files with...
Email filesystem layout Overview This article covers the raw storage structure of email on your account. All email is stored in a Maildir format,...
File management with multiple users Access control lists (ACLs) may be used in multi-user environments to allow granular joint access to file management without allowing...
Let’s Encrypt behind a reverse proxy By default, the panel will perform an IP check to ensure a hostname maps back to the configured IP address...
Listening on ports Overview Some applications require persistence to continue to run after a page view has concluded. Node.js or other backend socket/server pairs...
Mail sent via rejects with “Relaying Denied” Overview Email that is sent over TCP via or the server IP address is rejected with a “521: Relaying...