• Is terminal access available?

    Overview This may also be viewed within the control panel under Account > Summary > Dev if enabled, then terminal access is also enabled for the account. If [ssh] => embed_terminal is enabled in config.ini, then a standalone terminal will also be accessible within the control panel. See Also Accessing terminal

  • HTTPS connection displays mixed-mode notice

    Overview Accessing a website, protected by SSL, yields a “mixed-mode” notice or the SSL indicator displays different than normal. Mixed mode encountered on a website using Firefox Cause SSL is designed to protect data transfer from third-party snooping through encryption. By accessing a resource over a non-encrypted stream (e.g. including an image…

  • Let’s Encrypt behind a reverse proxy

    By default, the panel will perform an IP check to ensure a hostname maps back to the configured IP address before issuing a certificate. This is true for both initial requests and automatic renewals. Automatic renewals occur 10 days before expiration. Both the panel and API allow you to circumvent…

  • Let’s Encrypt Certificates

    Overview v5+ and above platforms support Let’s Encrypt certificates within the control panel. Let’s Encrypt is a free certificate authority that provides free trusted certificates accepted by all modern browsers. Let’s Encrypt certificates may be issued within the control panel under Web > SSL Certificates. Let’s Encrypt has a few limitations: Only 100 hostnames…

  • Are multi-domain (SNI) certificates supported?

    Yes, hosting platforms v4.5+ and beyond support multi-domain certificates through SNI (server name indication). In order to use a multi-domain certificate, you will need to purchase a corresponding multi-domain/”UCC” certificate from the accredited SSL authority. What is SNI? With SNI, multiple domains co-exist on a single certificate making it suitable…

  • Running Discourse

    Discourse is a popular forum software written in Ruby. Because Discourse relies on Docker, which is incompatible with the platform, installation must be carried out manually. A larger is recommended to run Discourse as each worker is approximately 200 MB. Getting Started Installation is done within the Terminal. Checkout the…

  • Installing Jekyll

    Overview Jekyll is a lightweight blogging platform written in Ruby. Jekyll compiles into a static site with no dynamic endpoints, making it extremely secure and fast. Posts are written using Markdown syntax. A basic Jekyll blog Quickstart Login to the terminal Select a Ruby interpreter to use. If you would…

  • Setting up Rails with Passenger

    Overview Ruby on Rails is a web application framework built on the Ruby programming language. Older hosting platforms (< v4.5) support up to Rails 2. Newer platforms before v6 support Rails 3. v6+ platforms support Rails 2-4+ and Ruby 1.8-2.2+ using rvm. Need a migration to a newer platform to support…

  • Write permission error when installing gems

    Overview On newer v6+ platforms with support for multiple Ruby interpreters, installing a gem may fail resulting in a similar error message: [user@sol ~]$ gem install –no-rdoc –no-ri passenger rails Fetching: passenger-5.0.6.gem (100%) ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::FilePermissionError) You don’t have write permissions for the /.socket/ruby/gems/ruby-2.1.2 directory. Cause The…

  • PostgreSQL gem install fails

    Overview Attempting to install the Ruby gem “pg” or other PostgreSQL-dependent gems on v6+ platforms fail with a similar sample response: Can’t find the PostgreSQL client library (libpq) *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log…