• Running Node.js

    Overview Node.js is a performant JavaScript backend built off Chrome’s JavaScript engine (v8). It’s also wicked fast. Node.js and its accompanying package management, npm, are available on newer platforms (v6+) without any additional compilation from source. Accounts with terminal access are eligible to use Node.js and npm. Running Node.js with…

  • Permissions overview

    Every file is made up of a permission set. These permissions consists of 3 sets of 3 bits for a total of 27 configurations. Just kidding! It’s not that complex! -r–r–r–    root   root 1972 Oct 13 23:14 test.mail -rw-r–r–   admin  admin 4345 Aug 29 12:33 test.php -rwxr-xr-x  nobody  admin …

  • Welcome aboard: your next steps!

    Introduction First off, thank you personally for deciding to host with Lithium Hosting. Now that you have a spot to host your domain, there are some steps to take to attach your domain to your hosting. It’s painless, and takes between 10 and 15 minutes, depending if you are a…

  • Running Meteor

    Overview Meteor is a web framework written on top of Node.js. Meteor hooks into Passenger for seamless process launching and flexible, agile scalability. Meteor requires terminal access to use. This guide covers launching Meteor on a v6+ platform. Quickstart PREREQUISITE: follow the MongoDB tutorial to setup MongoDB. Install Meteor from the terminal: cd…

  • Jailing users

    Overview A jailed user is a user that logins into a FTP server and can only access files and folders within a designated location. Other folders on the server are isolated from this user and, therefore, inaccessible. Jailing an existing user Login to the control panel Visit User > Manage Users. Select the…

  • Listing hidden files

    Overview A hidden file (or folder) is one that begins with a dot (“.”), e.g. .htaccess, .bash_history, .cpan/. These files are, by default, hidden from a FTP LIST command unless configured to display. All hosting platforms show hidden files by default, so no further action is necessary.

  • FTP displays login directory as root

    Overview Logging into the FTP server with a client will present the home directory, or custom directory, as the root directory. The user logged in is unable to move up the directory to its parent directory or any other directory outside the initial login directory. Cause Defective FTP Client Certain…

  • Problems deleting files

    Overview FTP provides a convenient interface to quickly delete multiple files from a your site with minimal overhead. Problems can exist in multi-user environments where files are owned by one of many different users. Cause FTP abides by UNIX discretionary access controls (DAC) that restricts what files users can delete/modify/read. Without…

  • Accessing FTP server

    Overview FTP is a protocol that allows you to easily upload, download, and modify permissions of files for your web site. In fact, it’s the recommended method of managing files on your account offering better flexibility than File Manager within the control panel. Logging in FTP follows the same login…

  • Is a secure form of FTP provided?

    Yes, all packages support FTP using explicit TLS, also called “Auth TLS”. Auth TLS initiates encryption after a handshake and protocol announcement, which is the origin of “explicit”. Conversely, implicit TLS, which is not supported, does not require announcement and encryption happens immediately at connection. The difference between implicit and…