Accessing terminal Overview Your terminal is a command-line interface to your hosting account on the server. It provides a quick, efficient means...
Achieving Inbox Zero Overview Inbox Zero is a rigorous approach to keep your inbox free of e-mail – or at least nearly empty. Any mail...
Changing Python versions Overview Recent platforms (v6+) support multiple Python interpreters from the shell using pyenv. pyenv allows seamless switching between available Python...
Changing Ruby versions Overview Newer hosting platforms, v6+, support multiple Ruby versions through rvm. This enables you to run multiple versions of Rack...
Django quickstart Overview Django is a web framework based on Python. Python is available on all packages, and a Django application...
Elevating privileges with sudo Overview Newer platforms, v6+, provide limited sudo support that allows you to remove, copy, and change ownership of files with...
Installing Ghost Overview Ghost is a gorgeous blogging platform supported on Developer+ accounts on v6+ platforms. Ghost requires terminal access to deploy...
Installing packages Overview Python uses a package management system called “pip“. Package management is available on newer hosting platforms v4.5 and above....
Listening on ports Overview Some applications require persistence to continue to run after a page view has concluded. Node.js or other backend socket/server pairs...
Reclaiming process slots Overview When trying to redeploy a Passenger process, Passenger may refuse deployment, because you have maxed out on available process...