Account security notices Account security is very important to us. To improve client safety and the safety of those who share server space...
Connection to mail over SSL fails Overview IMAP, POP3, and SSL that connect over SSL either via STARTTLS on port 143/110/587 or 993/995/465 respectively fail with...
File uploads in a Passenger-backed application fail Overview A file upload initiated in an application written in Ruby, Node, or Python launched through Passenger will fail to...
Let’s Encrypt Certificates Overview v5+ and above platforms support Let’s Encrypt certificates within the control panel. Let’s Encrypt is a free certificate authority...
Understanding fortification Overview Fortification simplifies permission management for PHP-based applications, which run as a separate user from the account holder to enhance...
Uploads are denied with 406, Not Acceptable Overview When uploading a particular file it fails with a 406, Not Acceptable error message. Cause All inbound file uploads...
Working with HTTP rate-limiting Overview All HTTP servers enforce a collection of HTTP rate-limiting to reduce abuse and achieve a high reliability. This system...